Updates & Stories
You’ll find info about upcoming local events and the latest news about the initiatives we support in Haiti & the Dominican Republic.
Updates & Upcoming Events
Sarnia Journal: Sarnians Making a Difference in Haiti
By Cathy Dobson For the Journal In a country where countless international charities attempt to help, Sarnia’s Rayjon Share Care stands out for its ability to improve living standards for the residents of Haiti, says director Renaud Thomas. Thomas is in Sarnia for the...
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to Transform Our World by 2030.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interlinked objectives designed to serve as a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future" (UN). Adopted over 150 countries worldwide in 2015, the goals...
UPDATE: Visa granted!
We are ecstatic to announce that our dear colleague Renaud Thomas (Director of Rayjon Share Care Haiti in St. Marc, Haiti) has finally received his visa to come visit us in September! You, our community of supporters, helped make that happen. As reported in our...
Celebrating Black History Month: Haitian Exceptionalism
In celebration of Black History Month we invite you to listen to this incredible historical piece by Mr. Etzer Cantave. Etzer Cantave is the President of DuSable Heritage Association in Chicago, Illonois. “On January 1st, 1804, Haiti instituted a paradigm shift...
Rayjon Re-Imagined
Welcome to Rayjon Re-Imagined. We're so excited to share with you our re-imagined mission and vision, and plan for HOW we hope to get there. We've designed a complete information page, loaded with fun videos, testimonials from our Haitian partners, and details about...
Annual General Meeting 2022
Rayjon Share Care of Sarnia, Inc. is pleased to inform all members and supporters that our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held in a hybrid fashion (both IN-PERSON and VIRTUALLY) on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at 7:00 PM EST. Join us. All are welcome. Agenda...

Our Stories
Behind every program there are real people, with real life stories of transformation and hope. You’ll find them here.