In celebration of Black History Month we invite you to listen to this incredible historical piece by Mr. Etzer Cantave.

Etzer Cantave is the President of DuSable Heritage Association in Chicago, Illonois.
Did You Know?
“On January 1st, 1804, Haiti instituted a paradigm shift through a revolution that was altogether anti-racist, anti-slavery, and anti-colonialist.”
“Ever since this victory, Haiti has been known as a beacon for freedom-seekers all over the world.”
“What Haiti has done in the history of the world is nothing short of exceptional.”
“…and white supremacist theorists who set out to denigrate and demonize the Haitian’s grandiose achievements and silence them into oblivion… Did you know that in 1885 the Haitian scholar… struck back at the white supremacist views… in which he refuted, on scientific grounds…..”
If you enjoyed listening and learning to “Did You Know?” please consider making a donation to DuSable Heritage Association.
Please include a note “Did You Know?” so that they will know the source. 🙂
Happy Black History Month!