By standing in support women’s initiatives we can empower women to overcome barriers, break free from poverty, and achieve goals in their communities.
“Investing in women and girls is the single most promising economic, political, and social opportunity of our time.”
– Megan O’Donnell
The education and empowerment of women is paramount to eliminating poverty and building communities. Rayjon is partnering with grassroots women’s groups in Haiti and the Dominican Republic- building capacity of local women to advocate for their communities and achieve their goals. Together, we aim for progress on the intersecting Sustainable Development Goals, a collection of seventeen interlinked objectives designed to serve as a “shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future” #GofortheGoals #SDGs
Together we are expanding access to literacy classes, microcredit loans, and training in business, practical skills, leadership and advocacy.
The first Rayjon adult literacy class started in 1994 in the rural community of Pinson with a class of 10.
In two years the number of graduates had swelled from 14 to 741! Today, more than 1,745 adults have learned to read and write and have gained numeracy skills to help them earn a living in a market economy.
In Haiti, when you can’t write your name, you are forced to sign your name with an “X.” Imagine the pride and self-confidence gained when you are no longer an “X” but can sign your own name with dignity!
“How horrible, how insulting, Oh so afraid to sign my name that I must make an X,
Ticking this little X like this one is not right,
This little X, I should not do it again
This year, I decide that I must know how to read and I must know how to write
Come, draw your pencil mark and mark…”
“When I was little, my parents had no possibility of sending me to school… I thank God who sends us this Alpha Program to bring us out of the darkness and let us see the light… On this great day, I know how to write my name.” – Luverlande Joseph
“If I had enough time I would explain what the little crosses (writing an X) have made us suffer …I say ‘No,’ I will not make the (X) again …. I send it to the bottom of the abyss.”– Fleuridor Ofilia

The Transforming Power of Breadfruit
Since the “Breadfruit Project” launched in 2020, the 350+ members of the rural Haitian Women’s Federation have achieved some amazing results:
– Planting of a sustainable breadfruit tree nursery
– Construction of a processing factory
– Launch of agri-business, providing milling services for local farmers of rice, corn and other grains
– Reliable source of income to support more development initiatives
Rayjon supports thriving microcredit programs in Cap Haitian and St. Marc, Haiti, providing small business loans and training to over 360 women! Last year’s repayment rate was 100%!
Microcredit Programs provides a mechanism for women to lend and borrow from a village bank fund—built with a combination of funds donated from Canada, and funds contributed by the women themselves. In St. Marc, Women’s Federation leaders act as liaisons and first vet each individual applying for a loan. Then, as a group, loanees come together and form an agreement to cover one another’s payment in the event that one of them has difficulty in meeting repayment targets. This system of personal accountability motivates the participants who are responsible to answer to their friends and neighbours, and adds another layer of security to the program.
The microcredit program increases self-esteem, and empowers women to improve their financial situation and better provide for their children. Over 360 women have received loans to start or grow small businesses. Under the leadership of the women the program continues to expand, providing additional training and resources that will help participants reap even greater benefits from their investments and foster the growth of local economy.
Visit our Stories page to read testimonials, or watch this video to hear Rayjon Haiti manager Renaud Thomas talk about the transformation happening through microcredit.
At the C-NEW-C (Centre for Education for Women and Children) in urban Cap Haitian, LifeSkills Programs are empowering female heads of households experiencing extreme poverty. Training in literacy, numeracy, health & hygiene, nutrition and healthy cooking for a family, practical skills (including sewing) and more is empowering families to gain knowledge to keep their children healthy, prepare nutritious meals, develop self-esteem and create job opportunities. In this way, parents are breaking the cycle of poverty.
In the marginalized neighbourhood of Barrio 41, there is a great need for programs that would provide women in the community with practical skills to help them provide for their families. Many mothers (and children) were sifting through the local garbage dump each day, scavenging for food scraps and items to resell. Rayjon works with a local partner (PLADESCULBA) to provide practical skills training in sewing and horticulture. With help from a World Day of Prayer Grant from the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, we have been able to empower participants with entrepreneurial skills and microloans. A new women’s leadership committee has formed, and participants are eager to start small businesses selling handicrafts, baking, and local goods. In addition, we are supporting a pilot documentation project to assist families of Haitian decent in obtaining the legal paperwork they need to claim their rights as Dominican citizens (and therefore be able to access better employment, health care and education).
Curious about how you can empower women to achieve their dreams?
Want to see progress on SDG5 Gender Equality?
Recognize that women are the key to community development?
Want to support women’s initiatives in Haiti and the DR?
Passionate about women’s rights?

Support Rayjon
- Attend a fundraising event to raise $ for women’s initiatives in Haiti and the DR
- Volunteer
- Donate
- Participate in International Women’s Day events & activities
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- Follow @rayjonsc on social media and share our posts!
- Share posts from other organizations involved in the empowerment of women
- Start a conversation about the empowerment of women
- Raise awareness in your own community

Our Stories
Behind every program there are real women, with real life stories of transformation and hope. You’ll find them here.