Experience the rhythm of the Caribbean
CaribeFest Sarnia
Friday, Sept. 15
1:30 – 8:00 PM
Join us for an expo-style, immersive cultural experience!
WHERE: Lambton College (Cestar Group Athletics & Fitness Complex), 1457 London Road in Sarnia, ON
A caribbean experience to remember

We have an incredible line-up of dancers and musicians! More details soon.

A diverse group artisans and vendors. And don’t miss the FOOD!

As you wander booth to booth you’ll have the opportunity to participate in several hands-on activities to help you immerse yourself in the culture and history of the Caribbean!
1:30 Event start (vendors open)
2:15 carnival spice
2:30 renaud thomas
3:00 merengue w/jonathan & Pierina
3:30 latin fire dance
4:00 in da house drumming
5:45 traditional dominican dancers (children)
6:00 merengue w/jonathan & pierina
6:15 joyful noise drummers
6:45 renaud thomas
7:00 latin fire dance
7:45 in da house drumming
8:00 community drum circle (open)
9:00 goodbye!

Guest Speaker: RENAUD THOMAS (haiti)
We’re so excited about his visit and can’t wait to hear what he has to share! Renaud has extensive experience in the fields of international cooperation and sustainable agriculture.
Renaud is director of Rayjon Share Care Haiti, He’s a fierce advocate for gender equality, actively supporting a rural Haitian Women’s Federation in their efforts to establish a cooperative breadfruit tree nursery and processing factory.
Renaud will bring a unique and insightful perspective on current events and the future of Haiti.

event highlight: sarnia journal story
“CaribeFest will be loud, fun and colourful”
–Heather Smith
Caribefest sarnia Partners

who is rayjon share Care?
We’re so proud to host CaribeFest Sarnia, in collaboration with amazing community partners. Together let’s highlight, learn about, and celebrate Caribbean culture and history!
For more than 37 years, Rayjon has worked in partnership with communities in Haiti and the Dominican Republic to reach their goals in sustainable development and social justice. We invest in relationship building and the two-way exchange of knowledge, resources and skills to create bridges of sharing–local to global.
Learn more about the grassroots, community-led programs we support: