A year ago who could have imagined where we’d be in October 2021? Who could have imagined how the COVID-19 would affect every country in the world. For our Haitian and Dominican partners and friends, the  pandemic increased the challenges faced and brought incredible uncertainty and fear. Already battling food    insecurity, political unrest, and poor access to health care and education, they now had to worry about a global health emergency on top of it all.

And yet, with such a difficult and painful context, there is no denying that we saw incredible achievements and progress toward lasting change.

And YES Canadian donors—and passionate volunteers!—would continue to be there, YES, we could rise to the challenge of finding innovative ways to fundraise, YES we could stand in solidarity with our Haitian & Dominican friends and partners through Covid-19 and any other challenge that came our way. And A RESOUNDING YES: the progress being achieved by capable Haitian & Dominican leaders continues.

We invite you to read our 2021 Annual Report which celebrates the many triumphs of lasting progress, the lessons learned, and the growth we have experienced together as we worked to Facilitate Partnerships, Share Our Stories, Impact Communities, Build Capacity, and Engage Volunteers.

 An kolaborasyon, en colaboración, in collaboration!


Y o u  g o t t a  f i g h t  w i t h  d o u b l e  f e a r s .

Andre Jean-Pierre

Rayjon Field Director, Haiti